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The Home of The Scorpios
Whether you are looking for a Scorpio as a future mate, a love relationship or just as a friend, you need to be aware of some of the personality traits that are common with those born under this sign. The Scorpion gets along best with those who are born under the signs of water and air such as Cancer and Pisces, but that doesn't mean they cannot form a bond with other signs as well. You want to make sure you know the entire personality of the Scorpion About Libra who is your friend, co-worker or lover in order to be able to form the type of bond that will be lasting.
Daily scorpio Free Horoscopes
Last Updated: Tuesday, September 17 2024Scorpio Romantic Free Horoscopes
Last Updated: Tuesday, September 17 2024Positive scorpio Personality Traits
One of the most common personality traits of the Scorpio and the one that nearly all Scorpios possess is that of organization and hate of clutter and dirt. Even in the workplace a Scorpion will be adamant about keeping his or her work area clean, neat and organized. There is no easier way to bring out the wrath in a Scorpio than being disorganized and dirty. Of course, he or she may not show the anger will let you know they are unhappy with the status quo. For instance, those who live with a Scorpio must expect to receive a severe tongue lashing if they fail to complete a chore when they are asked such as taking out the trash and don't even think of leaving your towel or dirty clothes on the floor after your shower!
A Scorpio is very protective of those he loves which may sometimes seem like possessiveness or even jealousy. Those who are involved with Scorpios will soon understand to differentiate between those emotions in order to understand and react appropriately. This understanding will help everyone including friends and coworkers avoid unnecessary conflict.
Negative scorpio Personality Traits
A Scorpio is self-confident and strong-willed which can sometimes create problems when interacting with other people. At the same time this sign will close off completely when experiencing hurt, especially in the romantic sense. This trait can create problems that may not exist for others who are more likely to be forgiving and more likely to move past any hurt they experienced in the past. Once you hurt a Scorpio the healing process may take a long time because while a Scorpio may not fall in love easily, it is deep and lasting with the potential for emotional scars very strong.
Scorpio and relationships
One of the things you will discover about Scorpios is they are very intense people. It doesnt matter what type of relationship is involved, there is always the possibility of a conflict when Scorpios are involved. One of the reasons this may happen is because they are so sensitive that they take things personally even if they are not meant in a negative way. For someone who is used to joking around with friends and calling them names playfully this can be a new piece of land on which to tread. You cannot play with the feelings of Scorpios because once you hurt their feelings they will not forgive you.
The jealous nature of Scorpios is not always one of being possessive but rather of being protective toward those they love. The key is for those who are involved with Scorpios in a romantic, business or friendly relationship to understand the Scorpios intent in order to prevent any verbal or physical conflict occurring because of the jealousy of the Scorpio. It is important to understand the way the Scorpios mind works in order to know what the mindset is at the time of any actions he or she may perform.
Scorpios can be problematic in the workplace not because they are not hard workers they are but because they do not always exhibit the ambition to move forward unless you provide them with motivation. Unlike some of the other signs, they are ambitious only if there is someone there who is prodding them along, telling them they can do it and praising them along the way. They dont take criticism very well, so you have to choose on which side of the fence you are going to stand and stay on that side. As someone in a relationship with a Scorpio you want to be able to encourage them to do all those things they are capable of doing.
Scorpios are also very mysterious because they tend to keep their feelings to themselves. To some people this may appear they are cold and withdrawn, but in reality it is just a part of the personality of Scorpios. They also do not fall in love easily, so anyone who is attempting to develop a love match with a Scorpio must be willing to wait it out. Unfortunately they are also very mistrusting, so once you gain the trust of a Scorpio you must maintain that trust or you will lose it forever.
While Scorpios can be your best and most loyal friends and coworkers, they can also be your worst enemies. They are quick to show anger and often become angry in order to cover up hurt. On the positive side they are very creative and do well as writers, orators and other types of positions that allow them to exert their need to be in control. The key issue for those who are in any kind of relationship with a Scorpio is to allow him or her to maintain control and always treat the Scorpio with love and respect.
Best match for a Scorpio Woman
For the Scorpio woman the quest for love can be a difficult one based solely on their nature as being inflexible yet loving. They are very strong-willed with a strong determination to do anything that suits their fancy at the time. When a Scorpio is in a romantic relationship she wants to be in charge, to dominate her partner while still enjoying the relationship. The Scorpio is also a very covetous and selfish creature by nature, something that would prevent her from getting along with a Leo man who would not be attracted to a woman who possessed those traits. On the other hand, a Scorpio woman could have a very strong romantic relationship with an Aries man, but the match in general is not a good one. The reason for this is because both Scorpio and Aries like to dominate their partners. According to compatibility charts, Scorpio women are quite compatible with Cancer men because of their need to feel safe and secure. The very nature of a Cancer man would ensure that the relationship became and remained very strong.
A Libra man is not a good match for a Scorpio woman because of some serious negative personality traits: Libras careless nature and Scorpios jealousy. The compatibility charts indicate a Scorpio woman would get along best with a Taurus man because of these signs possess the same emotional attitude and can depended upon to remain loyal and faithful to their perspective partners and the relationship in general. The compatibility charts also indicate a Scorpio woman would get along well with a Capricorn man because these special men have the necessary qualities it takes to endure the dominating nature of the Scorpio woman. Unfortunately the same does not hold true for a match between Scorpio women and Gemini; the Gemini is interested in the development of life conditions while the concerns of the Scorpio woman are with the life itself. Scorpio women will also not be able to find compatibility in a love match with Virgo men because their common life requirements are much too diverse to make a good match possible.
While it is natural to assume a Scorpio woman and Scorpio man are the best possible matches, the reality is their possessive and jealous natures may cause problems within the relationship. However, if they are able to work around these personality flaws they may indeed be able to formulate and endure a loving and lasting relationship. The desire of Scorpio women to have a calm and cool life does not make them very compatible with Sagittarius men who love their freedom. Even their domineering nature would prevent them from being able to get a Sagittarius man in her grasp. There is also not likely to be a good love match with Aquarius men either because they love gathering while Scorpio women hate it. The attractive nature of a Pisces man would definitely be something that would provide the Scorpio woman with a wonderful relationship.
Best match for a Scorpio Man
While there are several possibilities for the Scorpio man, the best match for this sign is a Cancer woman. Because both are water signs, they are not only perceptive but also obsessive in the ways they perceive some issues in life. The Cancer female is nocturnal and secretive by nature-in many ways he is like a crab. They also have an intense desire for physical satisfaction which is right in tune with the Scorpio male who possesses a highly passionate nature. While Cancer is extremely overprotective, she will be satisfied by the possessive nature of her Scorpio mate. Scorpio is a sun sign, and males who fall under this sign tend to be very cautious of those things around them. They are also less likely to express their true feelings than males born under other signs. Since the Cancer woman is a calm and enduring individual, she will have no problem safeguarding any of the secrets of her Scorpio man in addition to being able to cater to his highly sensuous nature.
Although a Cancer woman is the best match for a Scorpio man, there are other possibilities as well. In spite of his demanding nature (or perhaps because of it), he is also compatible with Capricorn, Pisces and Virgo women as well as Cancer. A Capricorn female is a very patient individual, and as such, she can be a very interesting match for a Scorpio male. The determination that engulfs the Scorpio male makes a match with an ambitious Capricorn one with a high potential for success. Both Scorpio and Capricorn can overcome any shortcomings they may have when they are faced with making decisions in the realms of power and financial stability. A Capricorn woman is possessive, conventional and practical, all traits that will allow the Scorpio man to experience his wildest physical fantasies when under her spell. Another good match for the Scorpio male is Pisces. They are both water signs, so this match can be one that combines intuition and emotion on the same level. They both have an extreme love for privacy and seclusion in romance, so this match is an ideal one. Pairing Scorpio with Virgo can be a match made in heaven since both are very analytical by nature and extremely active in anything they undertake. This logical and fun-loving girl will add fire to the usually private nature of the Scorpio and satisfy all his cravings and needs.
On the other end of the scope, a match between Scorpio and Aries can be doomed for failure unless one of them agrees to take the back seat. Both of them are extremely domineering, and the secretive Scorpio may have problems keeping pace with the restless and impatient nature of an Aries woman. In addition, she may be unwilling and/or unable to provide him with the emotional support he needs. Other incompatible matches include:
Gemini because of her fleeting emotion. She may cause confusion for Scorpio and thus tempt him to spy on her. The Sagittarius woman is a liberal mover who will not give in to the subtle sentiments and crabby obsession that Scorpio exhibits. Leo is very dramatic and will be not be able to handle Scorpios demanding and secretive nature.
Attract a Scorpio Male
If you're trying to attract a Scorpio man, it can be a very frustrating and trying experience to say the least. However, by following some simple tips, you can learn what will work and what will turn him away.
1.Pay very close attention to the things he likes. This means you want to watch him and note the kind of clothes he wears, the hobbies in which in participates and any other activities or hobbies he might indicate he enjoys. By learning as much as you can about him you will be able to understand the kind of person he is inside and out.
2.Practice being mysterious. In otherwise, keep him guessing rather than telling him everything he wants to know. All men like a woman who is mysterious, but especially the Scorpio who has a naturally mysterious nature. Give him a reason to keep coming back because you don't tell him all your secrets at once.
3.Make it a practice to dress up. That doesn't mean you have to wear a business suit and high heels, but you need to practice good hygiene know the occasions on which to dress up. You also want to make sure your hair and nails always look nice. Choosing a nice perfume will also help you attract a Scorpio man.
4.Since the Scorpio is very intense and passionate about the things in which he believes, he will be attracted to a woman who also shares the same intensity. That doesn't mean you have to act weird or take things to the extreme, but you do want to be passionate about anything you do and in which you believe.
5.Be independent and confident. Remember, the Scorpio is self-confident and headstrong. You want to show him you are independent and confident rather than someone who will be a 'clinging vine.' Scorpio men like women who have a strong personality and exercise independence. Throw away the 'shy little girl' attitude, it will not attract a Scorpio.
These are only the main things that will help you land a Scorpio man. You also need to learn to carry yourself well by making sure you prepare ahead of time for a date. That will help you relieve the stress that is the result of not knowing what to wear and less stress means you will be a more confident and relaxed person for the entire day or evening. The worst thing you can do with a Scorpio man is to attempt to act dumb or stupid because you think this is the type of woman he wants. Be yourself and speak and act with the intelligence you possess. Scorpio men like women who are intelligent and not afraid to speak their minds. Don't say what you think he wants to hear but rather say what you really mean. He will know if you are not being honest, and honesty is one of the most important traits to a Scorpio man.
Attract a Scorpio Woman
1.Scorpio women like men who have a strong personality. They are attracted to the true blue alpha male type rather than those who are shy and foreboding. They love men who are confident, know what they want and are willing to do whatever they need to do in order to reach their goals. Scorpio women are also intensely passionate and not afraid to take chances. She will find danger quite exciting and will not hesitate to play with fire. If you capture the heart of a Scorpio woman, you will find the experience intense, passionate and exhilarating all at the same time.
2.Scorpio women are oozing with sex appeal; whenever they enter the room they stand out from everyone else. Their charm and sexy aura makes them different and as such makes them completely irresistible to men. Since Scorpio women tend to be so hot and sexy, they want men who are just as hot. That doesn't mean 'hot' in the looks department, but you must have some definite sex appeal if you expect to attract the attention of a Scorpio woman.
3.Scorpio women are not attracted to the men who are just sweet and nice; they like someone who has the ability and desire to be somewhat tough and dominant. That doesn't mean they want someone who is controlling, but at the same time they don't want a man who is slow-witted, dense and unsure of himself. You must show her you are confident and independent rather than weak and unsure. Scorpio women want someone who can stand on his own two feet and can handle any situation that may come his way.
4.Scorpio women are also attracted to men who are ambitious. They even find a little tyranny attractive. They dislike men who let people walk all over them and prefer a man who refuses to take crap from anyone but is also able to remain in control at the same time.
5.One trait the Scorpio woman finds attractive when it comes to romance is finding a man in whom the relationship is 'passionate, intense and smoldering.' That doesn't mean she wants a man to be in control, love romance is an essential part of the Scorpio woman, and when she falls in love it is very intense; she believes anything worth doing is worth doing all the way. She is very emotional and relies on intuition and gut feelings a good part of the time. That means you must be loyal and true from the very first day if you want her to remain loyal and faithful to you. and the pleasures that these bring.Libra is the only inanimate sign of the zodiac, all the others representing either humans or animals. Many modern astrologers regard it as the most desirable of zodiacal types because it represents the zenith of the year, the high point of the seasons, when the harvest of all the hard work of the spring is reaped. There is a mellowness and sense of relaxation in the air as mankind enjoys the last of the summer sun and the fruits of his toil. Librans too are among the most civilized of the twelve zodiacal characters and are often good looking. They have elegance, charm and good taste, are naturally kind, very gentle, and lovers of beauty, harmony (both in music and social living) and the pleasures that these bring.